
Directory is a simple source that iterates over a folder and generates Text classes from every file it founds in this directory. You can use a regex as a second argument to filter on filename.


use PhpSpellcheck\Spellchecker\Aspell;

// *** Using spellcheckers directly ***
$aspell = Aspell::create(); // Creates aspell spellchecker pointing to "aspell" as it's binary path

/** @var \PhpSpellcheck\Misspelling[]|\Generator $misspellings */
$misspellings = $aspell->check(
    new \PhpSpellcheck\Source\Directory('/my/path/to/directory', '/regexpattern/'), ['en_US'],

foreach ($misspellings as $misspelling) {
        $misspelling->getWord(), // 'mispell'
        $misspelling->getLineNumber(), // '1'
        $misspelling->getOffset(), // '0'
        $misspelling->getSuggestions(), // ['misspell', ...]
        $misspelling->getContext(), // []